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CONSULT YOUR FAITH Black Coffee Mug, 11oz
When making decisions and  choices, one should rely on their faith or beliefs rather than their emotions or immediate feelings. It encourages a person to consider their deeply held values, principles, or religious beliefs as a guiding factor in decision-making rather than letting their temporary emotions or impulses drive their choices.
Black Coffee Mug, 11oz, Religious Mug, Coffee, MugInspirational, Mug Christian Gift, DeaconGift, ChristianMug , FaithNotFeelingsMug, BeliefOverEmotionsMug, FaithBasedMug, SloganMug, faithnofeelingsMug, ConsultyourfaithMug, BeliefoveremotionsMug
BENT BUT STILL STANDING Black Coffee Mug, 11oz
BENT BUT STILL STANDING MUG- highlights human resilience and the capacity to weather life's storms without giving up or losing one's sense of self or beliefs. This is  similar to a palm tree that may bend under the pressure of a storm but remains standing tall,  with grace and strength
 Black Coffee Mug, 11oz, ReligiousTShirt, FaithWear, MinistryWear, FaithJourney, ChristianGift, UnisexTShirt, FaithFashion, WeatheringTheStorm, Perseverance Never Give Up Tee, Palm TreeÂ
PRAYER SILENCES THE ENEMY Black Coffee Mug, 11oz Religious Mug
Prayer is a potent force that can provide protection and overcome spiritual opposition. It gives strength, peace, and victory over  challenges.
PRAYER SILENCES THE ENEMY, Black Coffee Mug, 11oz Religious Mug, Coffee Mug, Inspirational Mug, Christian Gift, inspirational gift, Christian Home Décor, UnityinPrayerMug, SilencingtheEnemy, mug, DefeatingOppostionMug, PrayerSilenceMug,  PrayerWarriorMug, SilencingEnemyMug, ConquerwithPrayerMug. EnemySilencerMug,  PeacefulMug, RisingAbovewithPrayerMug, EnemySilencerMug
Having a understanding of God's guidance  is important. When people lack a sense of divine  purpose, they may face confusion
 # Black Coffee Mug, 11oz # Religious #Mug #Coffee Mug #Inspirational Mug #Christian Gift # inspirational gift Christian Home Decor DivineVisionMug GodsGuidanceMug GodsVisionMug DivineInspirationMug.Â