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BIRTHDAY 65 AND FABULOUS Unisex Jersey Short Sleeve Tee
$18.22 – $26.43
BREAKTHROUGH Unisex Jersey Short Sleeve Tee
$18.22 – $25.95
A source of encouragement and inspiration for individuals facing challenges, reminding them to trust in their faith and remain steadfast in their beliefs during difficult times.
Unisex Jersey Short Sleeve Tee, ReligiousTShirt, FaithWear, MinistryWear, FaithJourney, ChristianGift, MinistryGift, PastorGift, PastorWifeGift, NewConvertGift, DeaconGift, ReligiousGift, Faith Breakthrough, Faith Breakthrough, Spiritual Breakthrough, Divine Intervention, Overcoming Victory
BREAKTHROUGH Ceramic Mug 11oz
A source of encouragement and inspiration for individuals facing challenges, reminding them to trust in their faith and remain steadfast in their beliefs during difficult times.Â
 Ceramic Mug 11oz,  Religious Mug Coffee, Mug, Inspirational Mug, Christian Gift, BreakthroughMug, FaithMug, BreakMug, SpiritualBreakthroughMug, DivineMug, InterventionMug, OvercomingMug, VictoryMug
BROKEN BUT STILL STANDING Unisex Jersey Short Sleeve Tee
$18.53 – $26.39
BUMBLEBEE FAITH Ceramic Mug 11oz
The notion that bumblebees shouldn't be able to fly but do anyway, is an example of God's wisdom and His ability to make the seemingly impossible possible. It serves  as a reminder that God works in mysterious ways and can accomplish great things through His divine plan.Â
Ceramic Mug 11oz, WITHOUT GOD VISION, ReligiousTShirt, FaithWear, MinistryWear, FaithJourney, ChristianGift, MinistryGift, PastorGift, PastorWifeGift, NewConvertGift, DeaconGift , Christian faith, Bumblebee Gravity, BumblebeeFaith, BumblebeeFlight, AgainstAllOdds
BUMBLEBEE FAITH Unisex Jersey Short Sleeve Tee
$18.65 – $26.43
The notion that bumblebees shouldn't be able to fly but do anyway, is an example of God's wisdom and His ability to make the seemingly impossible possible. It serves as a reminder that God works in mysterious ways and can accomplish great things through His divine plan.
 Unisex Jersey Short Sleeve Tee, VISION, ReligiousTShirt,, FaithWear, MinistryWear ,FaithJourney, ChristianGift, MinistryGift, PastorGift, PastorWifeGift, NewConvertGift ,DeaconGift , Christian faith, Bumblebee Gravity, BumblebeeFaith, BumblebeeFlight, AgainstAllOdds
COME SEE A MAN Unisex Jersey Short Sleeve Tee
$23.56 – $30.14
COMING SOON Unisex Heavy Blend™ Crewneck Sweatshirt
$25.80 – $31.56
$18.65 – $26.43
When making decisions and  choices, one should rely on their faith or beliefs rather than their emotions or immediate feelings. It encourages a person to consider their deeply held values, principles, or religious beliefs as a guiding factor in decision-making rather than letting their temporary emotions or impulses drive their choices.
Unisex Jersey Short Sleeve Tee, ReligiousTShirt, FaithWear, MinistryWear, FaithJourney, ChristianGift, MinistryGift, PastorGift, PastorWifeGift, NewConvertGift ,DeaconGift,  FaithNotFeelings, BeliefOverEmotions, FaithBasedClothing, SloganTeefaithnofeelings, Consultyourfaith, Beliefoveremotions